Gazeta Reklama logo

Urządzenia: Desktop, Mobile


  • Format jpg / png
  • Resolution: 1920x880 (base: 1170x120px, expansion: 1170x700px, visible area after scrolling down 1170x60px).  You are to prepare ONE creation consisting of THREE images. Creative sample attached added the bottom of the page.
  • Size: 150kB
  • The left top corner of the base area (1170x120) must contain clear inscription 'REKLAMA' . Recommended font: Arial, 10px (normal). Color matched to the background.
  • The expand buton is added automatically.

9903c5a901be1197f00a151dad0cb17dd1ed3575 premiumboard 1920x880


  • Format jpg / png
  • Resolution: 1920x700 (base: 320x100 px, expansion: 320x600)
  • Size: 150kB
  • The left top corner of the base area (1170x120) must contain clear inscription REKLAMA. Recommended font: Arial, 10px (normal). Color matched to the background.
  • The expand buton is added automatically.

5b8d6971501da5fabffdc0a77267b18da6dae576 mobile mega 700

Premiumboard in Gazeta Live application:

  • Format jpg / png
  • Resolution: 320x50
  • Size: 150kB