Gazeta Reklama logo

Urządzenia: Desktop, Mobile

  • Format: jpg / png
  • Resolution: up to 300 KB
  • Player aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Dimensions of the entire player area with branding: 852x479px
  • Dimensions of the video itself are 690x388px
  • The creative is scalable
  • Branding applies to players on articles and HP
  • The creative must have inscription 'REKLAMA' in the upper left corner. It must be visible, therefore the font color should be appropriately matched to the background color. Font: arial / Size: 10px / Color: light background color # 999, dark background color #FFFFFF

* Spacing between branding and player can be slightly modified (up to 10px).

19a1f5c04a4520cefdf36d8f645d9b1a9a786931 5eb385f29b65606e86225c3365c190446e042522 thumbnail branding video size w1